Have you ever written to a hero of yours?

While you don’t expect a reply, you might suddenly get a letter back!  It’s so thrilling to know that your hero cares enough
to write back to you.  You’ll never forget it.

Let me share two true stories… one from a friend and one of my own.

A boy named Howard dreamed of being an artist.  Anxious for tips, he wrote to a man named Theodore Geisel. You may not recognize that name, but you undoubtedly know him by another name:

Dr. Seuss!
Dr. Seuss answered back!  Not just a canned response but a personal letter of encouragement.  His letter contained valuable advice:

“The big successes in this field all succeeded because they wrote and they wrote and they drew and they drew… each time
asking themselves one question:

How can I do it better next time?

“If you plug away and do exactly what you’re doing, making it better and better every month and every year… you CAN be successful.”

Your Friend,
Dr. Seuss

Howard wrote back years later, and in a third letter, he shared his gratitude, mentioning how he became a cartoonist and humorous illustrator.

I too wrote to a famous hero of mine years ago:  Dr. Leo Buscaglia, known as “Dr. Love.” Best-selling author, motivational speaker and professor at USC. He answered me back — THREE times!

Those letters of personal encouragement meant a lot.  Since then, I’ve authored two books, been featured in others, written numerous projects that attracted revenue for clients, and helped two colleagues write best-sellers.

You may never realize what impact a personal note can mean to someone at the other end. I’ve even discovered a fun card service that will automatically send out cards on your behalf if you choose to do that.

I highly recommend Mailbox Power. It’s affordable, easy-to-use, and really makes you stand out because so few people
use postal mail anymore.  You can use it for occasions, thank-you’s or just keeping in touch.  It also keeps a mailing database for you, and will automatically send out cards on your behalf for any occasion.

What’s more, you can upload personal photos onto your card. I got a personalized sympathy card from my friend with a photo of my dad and me, and I’ll never throw it out.  I’ll also remember that friend forever. There’s even a lead generator tool, so you can target specific types of professionals for your own prospecting.

You can try it for free over two weeks with my link: https://MailboxPower.com/lynnsanders
(You’ll just pay for mailing!) To your success,

P.S.  I want to extend a special THANK YOU to one of my readers who sent me a personal note after my mom passed away over a decade ago. It meant so much to me.

You know who you are…
I’ll always be grateful for your caring…