We stand at the precipice of a new year:  2017.  As Ralph Waldo Emerson said,“What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when we bring what is within us out into the world, miracles happen.”

How do we expand our inner selves to live at our highest potential? 

As I contemplate how to grow both personally and professionally, I know I need to focus more. I’ve been diving deep into a variety of self-improvement books, often re-reading them to absorb their wisdom. I’d like to share some insights.

In my last blog, I mentioned connecting with a heart-centered, internationally best-selling author and speaker, Teresa de Grosbois. She provides valuable tips in her book, “Mass Influence: The Habits of the Highly Influential.” You can learn a great deal from her TedX presentation: https://youtu.be/il8fY__WCq8. Here is a brief synopsis from Teresa’s program, which highlights two important habits that you can practice to build your influence.


If you want to become influential, you must be authentic.

According to Teresa, you’re authentic when “your inside voice says the same thing as your outside voice.” We all deal with inner voices. They’re often created during childhood, and can become self-limiting beliefs.

Can these voices get in the way when we reach for our dreams? You bet. Can they interfere with our leadership abilities? Of course. Can we overcome self-limiting voices like, “I’m not good enough… or I’m not smart enough?” The good news is YES!

Since every thought is a choice, we can choose to overcome our negative voices.

Dispelling Negative Beliefs

First, be aware of your inner voices. Teresa suggests journaling your thoughts. Write down how your self-limiting beliefs both hinder you and help you. Consider what action you can take to work through your fears.

Write positive affirmations about yourself and speak them aloud every day.  

Meditate about your self-limiting beliefs while playing a CD track of laughter.  By combining the sound of laughter with your negative thoughts, you’re imprinting the sound of laughter over your limiting beliefs… and demonstrating to yourself how irrational those thoughts are.

Check out the online teaching of NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming.) You can use this tapping technique that involves self-hypnosis to consciously create positive thoughts. I highly recommend watching the videos from Brad Yates.  Here’s one on overcoming the “Not good enough” inner voice.  See: https://youtu.be/47Dmy5U9jDE

Habit #2: Give Influence To Others.

“Influential people need others to give influence to them,” explains Teresa. “It’s in the act of giving influence to another person that you become more influential. When you want more respect, you give respect.” 

Think about all the wonderful opportunities around you right NOW to give influence. Everyone can benefit from a tremendous resource at Readers Legacy!

In this amazing community, we can give influence to each other easily. We can comment, like and share posts. We can connect with those who share our interests. We can promote the writing, images and videos of members, and even get rewarded for taking action. That’s incredible, right?

Each time we show recognition, we’re gifting a virtual “pat on the back” to someone we authentically appreciate. It’s a way of paying the highest respect to each other.

So, without further ado… (drumroll, please).. I want to publicly acknowledge my gratitude to Carolyn Owens. She is a talented friend, Master Business coach, top authority on leadership, a thoughtful writer and influential Readers Legacy member. Carolyn introduced me to Readers Legacy, and spent precious time sharing its benefits with me. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t know this delightful community. Carolyn is someone you want to meet…an authentic, caring leader. Thank you, Carolyn!

Thanks also to Ken Dunn, Founder & CEO of Readers Legacy, who is making so much possible for all of us. Ken, thanks for creating such a dynamic, online site. I’m grateful for your complimentary 15-minute consultation. I really appreciated it.

Finally, a big thanks to Bill Bergfeld, Director of Subscriber Services at Readers Legacy. Bill has been so thoughtful to me and generous in his time.  I’m sure he has done the same for many others on a regular basis. Thanks so much, Bill!

Now, are you ready to build your influence in the new year? If so, I invite you to take Teresa’s 30-day challenge. Here’s the assignment: “For the next thirty days, gift out influence thirty times to people you authentically feel deserve it.” What might happen at the end of thirty days? Can you imagine how you’ll expand your impact as we launch into a new year? Together, I believe we all can create a positive ripple effect to transform our world.

Influence is like breathing,” says Teresa. “Once you master the skill, it simply becomes the way you live.

So, let’s celebrate each other. 

Be the light that shines out in the darkness.

Speak well of those you truly appreciate.  The universe will thank you… and so will I!