How important is trust in your relationships?
I’d say trust means everything! Look at the picture above…Wouldn’t you agree that this woman must trust the archer? She must have faith that he knows what he is doing. Her life is at stake!
Of course, trust is essential in any relationship, including your business success. Make sure you trust everyone in your circle. Or else… you can be in for unpleasant surprises.
In David Horsager’s book, “The Trust Edge,” you can learn about the Eight Pillars of Trust, which lead to relationships, reputations, retention, revenue and results.
Here are five tips from that book to build your fan base…See: Five tips to build your fan base.
Here’s to your success,Lynn
P.S. I literally cringed at my last email which had a mistake right in the subject line! AAAUUUGGHHH!
The subject line is SOOOOO important. In any event, part of growing is being willing to make mistakes, right?So — I’m sorry for that typo. Please know that we’re all growing together!
Lynn Sanders