I’ve been learning more about follow-up, and wanted to ask you —
How do you show people that you care?How do you acknowledge someone’s birthday?
How often do people hear from you? Most of us could benefit from being more diligent about following up. Follow-up is the key to business success.
Yet — how many people take action to improve?
Now is your time to make a BIGGER difference. And that also means — expanding in your skills to follow up. When you follow up, you’re building relationships, establishing trust, and showing people how much you care.
So — How do you become a follow-up expert? I suggest starting with a small step.Check out Mailbox Power. You can send a free thank you card. A postcard. A gratitude message. A holiday card. To learn more about its system, and how you can benefit, I’ve got a surprise for you.
First — let me put you on my birthday card list. There is no obligation and it’s private.
Here’s the link: https://app.mailboxpower.com/
Next, to learn more, I invite you to join a free workshop on follow-up with an expert.
My friend and business connections professional, Stephanie Massman of Bam Connections, is offering a free workshop to this group, about how you can use Mailbox Power to build your impact.No obligation! (You can choose to use the free 14-day trial.) Stephanie will be teaching us on Tuesday, February 15th, from 1:30-2:30 pm (CST).
You can register here — http://evite.me/MRfFDmmqQJ
Thanks for your time and thoughtfulness.
I look forward to being of service to you!
All the best,Lynn