Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m grateful to have you in my life. If you’re reading these words, then we undoubtedly share a connection that goes beyond words. You are meant to be reading this message, and I want you to know how much I appreciate you.Thank you for all you do to make a difference.
Being grateful isn’t reserved just for Thanksgiving. We can choose to be grateful at any time, for anything and everything. Gratitude is an emotion that uplifts our spirit, boosts our energy and brings more joy into our lives. In honor of you, I wrote this poetic tribute. Tribute To A FriendBy: Lynn B. Sanders Your spirit lifts my soul like morning sun through cloudy skies gently nudging me to see beauty in the everyday, leaves of gold tumble from outstretched branches while bluejays wing their wonderful towards a new day. you and I awaken to misty mornings of now and tomorrow, apart and yet… and yet… together on a Higher plane.
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