Happy Holidays! This is the time to reflect on where you’ve been and where you want to go.
Here’s a message that I love from author Robert Cooper, who remembers his grandfather’s words:
“We are each weaving an imprint on the world in ways that extend far beyond the horizons of our comprehension.”
Isn’t that profound? You may never realize how powerful your imprint is on others and the world… because we don’t know what’s going on inside someone else. Our thoughts, words and actions DO make a difference!
As my contribution to you, here’s my “hot-off-the-press” inspirational message on friendship.
“Never underestimate the power of friendship. It nurtures the soul like warm cocoa and cookies…
keeping you nourished for the rest of your life.” Lynn Sanders
In all the ups and downs of life, let us be grateful for dear friends.
Friends light up our life, uplift our spirit, and bring joy through a soul connection.
The magic of friendship makes life worth living. Friends become our true angels on earth, guiding and protecting us when we need help. They believe in us, inspire us, and cheer us on for our dreams.
Friends serve as a jumper cable to love… boosting our spirit when our engine slows down… giving us the energy to persevereand step into our greatness.
As essential as food, friendships provide us with sustenance. Their spirit becomes a part of us forever.
QUESTION How do you cultivate and sustain friendships to leave a lasting legacy?******************************
To Your Success,
Lynn P.S. Don’t forget the holiday special on my Craft Your Story program.
See: http://asklynnsanders.com/