Have you told yourself you loved yourself today?

Years ago, when I read that question from a correspondence course, those words stopped me in my tracks.

Had I ever done that before?  I couldn’t remember.  And yet, it made sense and touched my heart.

Do you tell yourself how wonderful you are?
Can you speak aloud some positive affirmations?
Can you pause in your day to “be” — and enjoy the moment?

When we think, speak or focus on loving ourselves, we’re actually imprinting positivity into our brains.  It then makes a difference in our physical well-being too.

We get to choose what we say to ourselves.

Remember:  Before we can give to others, we must give to ourselves.  I know it may sound unusual, but it’s true.  When we nurture ourselves first, then we have more to offer others.

Walking with nature is one way that I recharge my batteries. This week, in my walk with our dog, Shiloh, I happened to glance up at the tree on our front lawn.  Surprise!
Two large nests in the branches!  I marveled at these simple works of art.  I never noticed them before!

As I paused in the night air, the world stood still. I felt the peace of simply “being.”

Can you take the time to simply “be?”

To accept yourself with any imperfections?”
To love yourself — even if you fail at something?In the Japanese art of “Kintsugi,” people celebrate both the beauty and the imperfections of an art piece.You too are a beautifully crafted work of art.  

To celebrate you this holiday season, I’m giving you a special gift.  It’s my “Craft Your Story For Success”program at a holiday discount, that includes a private story strategy session with me. 

The benefits are:
   * Expanded awareness to attract your ideal clients.
   * Greater clarity in writing and speaking about your story
   * Social media marketing tips to increase your followers.

See: Craft Your Story

Or —  Video Package Wishing you all my best,