Our Life Becomes Our Story…

What Story Do You Choose For Your Life?
If you think about it, everything in our life is like a story.
When we hear stories on the news, we get to choose to believe them or not. (Hopefully, people do believe stories based on science!)
We also get to choose what we think about ourselves too. Do we choose to believe negative thoughts, perhaps influenced by those around us, or do we choose to think big?
What story do you want to believe? What story do you really want to live? The root of our stories begins with our beliefs. (And we can change those beliefs at any time!)
My story is a journey of learning self-worth. Growing up in a traditional Jewish home, I noticed that my brothers received a Bar-Mitzvah, but I was told that girls didn’t “need” one. Those words triggered my brain to think that being a girl wasn’t as important.
Strange, isn’t it? One traditional belief affected my attitude about myself. I didn’t even understand its impact. My parents couldn’t figure out why I never felt good enough. As an adult, I studied to become a Bat Mitzvah, which gave me immense satisfaction. I was declaring my own value to myself. A Bat Mitzvah literally means, “Daughter of the commandment.” As an official “adult,” my commitment is to do “mitzvot” – good deeds, and “Tikkun Olam” – to heal the world.
I share this with you because over time, I’ve become sensitive to words — from myself and others. I know our brain is a finely tuned computer. It picks up the energy of our thoughts, and translates those thoughts into feelings, which becomes our belief. Our beliefs can stay with us forever… unless we consciously decide to change.
It took the shocking passing of my beloved mom at the end of 2004 to propel me into a journey of self-discovery. Why was I still alive? What did I want to do while on this earth? How could I make a difference?
The devastating grief affected me physically, until my back gave out with three slipped discs, until I could barely walk. It took an energy healer to eventually ease the pain and bring the discs back into alignment. I suddenly saw in real life how my negative thoughts were physically creating “dis-ease.” With a different belief, I could ultimately heal.
Over time, I’ve learned from amazing world-class thought leaders. I remember finding a book, “Secrets Of the Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Eker. I was so moved that I decided to travel on my own to Denver to attend a free 3-Day Millionaire Mind Intensive. I never knew you could create your own Millionaire Mind! Those three days were quite powerful.
The underlying lessons from many world-class leaders continues to reverberate.
No matter what happens to us on the outside, we need to care for ourselves on the inside. We are a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual being. To stay healthy, we must take care of each part of who we are.
From the personal development seminars, books, courses and sessions, here are five insights I’ve gained…
Life Lesson #1: We’re all connected. Every thought, word, action carries a vibration and can be felt by others. We get to choose our thoughts. Choose wisely.
Life Lesson #2: Since we’re on this earth plane for a limited time, let us choose to love ourselves. Kindness grows from the inside out.
Lesson #3: You have greatness within you. You can do more than you believe. (And you get to choose what you believe!) Belief becomes reality!
Life lesson #4: Never give up on your dreams. Write down your dreams. Say positive affirmations to reinforce your belief in your dreams. Surround yourself with people who believe in you.
Life Lesson #5: Commit to what’s important to you. Take action. Make the most of your life More positive stories from Difference Makers are needed!
If you’d like to schedule a 15-minute chat, feel free to connect with me at: http://bit.ly/DMM-Chat